Videos of Kata Goju Ryu
Kata: Gekisai dai ichi (Técnica e Lenta) Gekisai dai ni (Técnica e LenTechnical and Slow .
Ler butDefenses (Uke Waza)
UKE waza is the study of techniques of defense. These techniques are intended not only the defense of an attack,through a blockage or avoidability, but are also the preparation for the attack. The areas to defend themselves .. dividem.
Ler butPositions (Tachi waza)
TACHI WAZA is the study of the positioning of the feet and legs to the trunk. Karate uses various positions, some focus more on mobility, other stability. A stable position is critical to have a strong technical, and a rapid transition position in the execution of a coup or a defense. The positions can be classified according to height: High Positions - those positions your knees are slightly bent. Examples:...
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