For practitioners and lovers of Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate


Terms and Conditions

Gorei Count General Terms
Ichi At Goju-ryu Style of hard and soft
Or Two Kiai Shout “of war” do karate
San Three Jodan Nivel Superior
Shi Four Chudan Average level
Go Five Gedan Lower Level
Year Six Finger language Right
Shichi Seven Hidari Left
Hachi Eight Naname Diagonal
Ku/kyu Nine Yonjugo 45 degrees
The Ten Ushiro Back
Mae Frontal
Hajime Start
Yame End
Yoi Position preparation
Whom Focus
Tandem Central point of the body
Do-gi Uniform
Obi Belt
Gijutsu Techniques
Semete Attacker
Ukete Defender
Kokyu DONTO Breathing
Mo ichi do Again
Kumite Combat
Kihon Base, basic movimentos
Kihon kumite Basic Combat