For practitioners and lovers of Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate


Positions (Tachi waza)


Heisoku Dachi

Heisoku Dachi

 Position of attention.

The feet and legs remain parallel and united. This position demonstrates the teacher that the student is ready and attentive to your commands.

Musubi Dachi

Musubi Dachi

Position of attention. The Musubi dachi is the position used for greetings and bows.

This position is formed from Heisoku dachi, keeping together the feet and legs, with the legs at an angle of about 45 °.

Heiko Dachi

Heiko Dachi

Natural Position.

Pernas Pés and parallel, shoulder width. This position is formed from Musubi dachi, raising and aligning the heel to the toe.

Hachiji Dachi

Hachiji Dachi

Natural Position.

Pernas parallel, shoulder width; point 45 feet out. This position is formed from Heiko dachi, directing tiptoe around 45 out.

Kiba Dachi

Kiba Dachi

Position of the rider.

Parallel Pés, approximately twice the width of the shoulder, weight distributed evenly with. It is a stable position that favors the strengthening of the legs.

Shiko Dachi

Shiko Dachi

This position is formed from Kiba dachi, directing tiptoe around 45 out.  


Yokomuko Shiko Dachi

 Shiko dachi with looking at a side.   

Naname Shiko Dachi

Nanam Shiko Dachi

Corresponds to the orientation of Shiko dachi na diagonal. The front foot points forward and the rear foot is aligned with the horizontal.      

Sanchi Dachi

Sanchin Dachi

Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent inward.

The heel of front foot aligns with the tip of the toes back, and toes pointing slightly inward.

The back should be straight and the pelvis rotates forward slightly.

The Sanchin dachi is a very stable position that facilitates the movement both in the left-right and front-back, and let the fighter in a comfortable position to rotate the waist and subjected to beatings with hands and legs.

The legs are bent into, Another feature of the position is to protect the stomach and groin. 

Han Zenkutsu Dachi

Hanzenkutsu Dachi

Flectida the front leg and leg stretched behind.

The distance between the front foot and rear foot is approximately shoulder width.

Zenkutsu Dachi

Zenkutsu Dachi

Flectida the front leg and leg stretched behind.

The distance between the front foot and back foot is approximately the double shoulder width.

Neko Ashi Dashi

Neko Ashi Dachi

 Position cat.

This position can be obtained from Musubi dachi.

 The front foot is removed from the back foot at a distance that equals the length of the foot. The rear leg is slightly bent and stretched front, slightly raised with the foot.

The weight distribution of about 70% a 80% for the leg backwards and 20a a 30% to the front leg.

The pelvis rotates forward and the back should be straight.


Moto Dachi

Moto Dachi

Position similar to Neko ashi dachi, but with both feet on the ground.

It is used as preparation for the Neko ashi dachi.



Renoji Dachi

Renoji Dachi

 Position of feet in the shape of 'L'.

Kokutsu Dachi 

Kokutsu Dachi

 This position is obtained from Zenkutsu dachi.

Os pes, using the heel as the axis,rotate 90 ° to the right

Kosa Dachi

Kosa Dachi

 This position can be obtained from Sanchin dachi.

The front foot is to cross the front knee and back knee is based on.
