heisoku-dachi | pés together | |
musubi-dachi | heels together, feet turned out, formam angle of 45 ° | |
Heiko-dachi | parallel pés, shoulder width | |
hachiji-dachi | feet shoulder width apart, outwards, formam angle of 45 ° | |
kiba-dachi | position of the rider: feet parallel to approximately twice the width of the shoulder | |
shiko-dachi | Kiba-dachi semelhante a, but feet pointing outward 45 | |
Nanam shiko-dachi | like shiko-dachi, more em angle of 45 ° | |
yokomuko shiko-dachi | like shiko-dachi, but look the part | |
sanchin-dachi | feet shoulder width apart, legs slightly bent, heel of front foot aligns with the tip of the toes back | |
hanzenkutsu-dachi | distance between the front foot and back foot is approximately the width of the shoulder; perna da front flectida, perna from behind esticada | |
zenkutsu-dachi | semelhante a hanzenkutsu-dachi, but the distance between the front foot and rear foot is twice the width of the shoulder | |
hikui zenkutsu-dachi | posição zenkutsu-dachi Baixa | |
neko ashi-dachi | position cat | |
renoji-dachi | position-shaped feet “The” | |
kokutsu-dachi | zenkutsu-dachi, backwards | |
kosa-dachi | cross pés | |
moto-dachi | neko-dachi, but with their feet | |